York Love Stories

This Valentine's Day, join us as we celebrate some of the best love stories imaginable - those which took place right here on campus.

A collage of photos of 16 couples who met while studying at York. Among the photos are many people in grey graduation robes, a wedding photo and a couple with a young baby.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and to celebrate, we're launching a special Humans of York series to celebrate some of the couples who met while studying or working at York.

With 60 years of history to choose from, there were no shortage of stories - this page includes just a few of our favourites.

Follow the University of York on social media to hear more love stories throughout the month, and visit Alumni Voices to find out what our remarkable alumni have been up to since graduating!

Derwent College, a brutalist concrete building, seen from across the lake. Bright flowers and plants surround it in all directions.
Heslington Hall seen from between two trees. The grass is sprinkled with flowers in bright shades.

Ellie and George.

Ellie and George.

Ellie & George

"We first met working at the Charles XII Heslington. We worked together for 18 months, before getting together in 2004.

"We had our first date at the Gallery nightclub on a Monday night. We then spent the rest of our time at York finishing our degrees, while maintaining the student lifestyle going to hotspots such as Toffs, Icon/Diva and Ziggys!

"We got married in November 2016 in Lancaster. In 2024, we will both be 40, and celebrating 20 years together!

"We have amazing memories from our three years at York, and often reminisce about our time there and the people that we met. We still keep in touch with friends we met at York."

Lily & Ryan

"It was my third week at York, and I decided to visit one of my new friends at her flat in Langwith. I was sitting on the table in the flat's kitchen, chatting to all of her flatmates, feeling slightly awkward surrounded by so many people I didn't know.

"That's when someone else's conversation caught my attention - I heard the name of my favourite musical artist, Steven Wilson. Of course, I decided to interject into the conversation.

"As it turns out, the conversation I had overheard was Ryan talking to another of his flatmates about a gig he was going to at the Royal Albert Hall that weekend. We immediately got talking about all things music, and we spent the rest of that evening chatting about our lives, listening to records and discovering a spooky amount of connections between us.

"It also transpired that we were actually on the same course. The next morning we headed to lectures together, and basically became inseparable from that moment on. It was too late for me to get a ticket to the gig, but he bought me home a signed poster that I still have now.

"We became 'official' shortly after that, and we haven't looked back since. We've since bought our first home together in a small village just north of Cambridge. We've adopted three cats who we absolutely adore and spoil rotten. We got engaged just before Christmas 2022, and we are currently planning a fun, festival-style wedding for June 2023.

"We're excited that Helen Sharples, one of our Foundation Year tutors from York, will be one of our guests!"

Lily and Ryan bonded over their love of music.

Lily and Ryan bonded over their love of music.

Lily and Emily post for a selfie in front of a wind turbine.

Lily and her partner.

Lily and her partner.


"Whilst my partner doesn't go to York, we fell in love there and she was so immersed in UoY culture.

"We met on a dating app whilst at uni - she went to Durham which was a 40 minute train journey away. I figured the distance was short enough to try dating and we had our first date in York.

"We were smitten after that and spent every other weekend in York together where she was quickly welcomed by my Archaeology course friends and housemates. We bought a flat together in April last year and have been living in bliss ever since. We've both started our first jobs, she loves hers, I'm still finding my way in mine.

"We also adopted two lovely kittens in June and we're now a lovely little family of 4! We regularly go to visit York along with all of my housemates from university and we're doing a tour of all of our favourite places in the city (a trip to Courtyard for the nachos is a must!).

"Regarding the photo, I'm actually the one not wearing the Uni of York jumper. She likes to wear my things."

Ashleigh & Mark

"Mark and I met when friends of mine directed us in a Drama Society show. A wonderful friendship flourished over the course of the rehearsals and we became incredibly close - I remember thinking how amazing it was that someone I had only met a few months ago could understand me so well.

"We decided to use the Christmas holidays to try and take a break from talking every day; we were both hesitant to ruin a great friendship by dating, or getting into a relationship too soon. However, we ended up texting throughout the Christmas holidays.

"On returning to York, Mark invited himself over to my house to 'catch-up' during our first week back and it was then that we decided to, and I quote, 'give this a go'. And give it a go we did!

"We spent the next year and a half, until I graduated, performing in shows together with both CHMS and the Drama Society and exploring York as a couple. We were lucky enough to make amazing friends there too, who were friends to us both long after graduation. Our 'dates' often consisted of visiting York Theatre Royal, or coffee and cake at Gatehouse Cafe! Mark and I now live in Essex together.

"We got married in May 2021, after Covid ruined our plans three times, which was the most wonderful day. We make sure to head back up to York at least once a year, just to reminisce where and when we met.

"York will always have a very special place in our hearts!"

Ashleigh in a York graduation cap and gown outside The Quiet Place. She and Mark are posing for a selfie, and he is kissing her on the cheek.

Ashleigh and Mark in 2019.

Ashleigh and Mark in 2019.

Ashleigh and Mark smile widely as they exit a building on their wedding day. Confetti falls all around them.

Ashleigh and Mark on their wedding day in 2021.

Ashleigh and Mark on their wedding day in 2021.

"How amazing that someone I had only met a few months ago could understand me so well."

Ashleigh on getting to know her now-husband Mark.

Ashleigh and Mark in wedding attire leaving a red-brick building. Behind them the wedding party cheer.

Ashleigh and Mark on their wedding day.

Ashleigh and Mark on their wedding day.

Raizal and Jasmin are now happily married.

Raizal and Jasmin are now happily married.

The Big Day.

The Big Day.

Back where it all began.

Back where it all began.

Jasmin & Raizal

"We met at the first Malaysian society event of the year. I didn't know anyone there and neither did he. I decided to sit next to him as he was sitting alone and just started chatting.

"During winter break, I wanted to travel but didn't know anyone yet. I decided to randomly Facebook message him and ask if he'd like to travel with me. He agreed, and we went to Malta together.

"At the time, neither one of us had feelings for one another. We started hanging out more and eventually became part of a group of friends who'd hangout and play boardgames almost every single day. As time passed, we started spending more and more time away from the group and just enjoying having a friend around.

"One day he finally confessed his feelings for me and I panicked. He was my best friend, and I didn't feel the same way he did. I promised I would go on one date just to show how much we wouldn't work out, but on that date, I realised I was already in love with him.

"We have a lot of fond memories of uni; eating together after classes at Alcuin's food hall, going on walks around the beautiful campus, playing board games with our friends. We often spent time around York, hanging out at our favourite hidden cafe in the city and having picnics by the garden.

"We came back to York for our graduation after Covid, and took some photos for our wedding. We are now happily married and living in Malaysia.

"York will always be my favourite city: the city I fell in love with, and the city I found love in."

Laura & Jake

"We met at a Rock and Roll dancing society. A group of us decided to go for a few drinks after a class, and we hit it off, becoming friends.

"We then started meeting up more and more with mutual friends. I remember he built a new computer for me - what's not attractive about that?

"We had our first date at the ice rink by Clifford's Tower. I was terrible, but Jake has some hidden ice skating talents and thankfully, he didn't judge my lack of ice skating skills.

"We moved back to York recently after living in London for nine years. It is a special city for us. We celebrated getting a Civil Partnership on the 1st October 2022. We are continually baffled that we have been together as long as we have... it doesn't feel like we have been together for over a decade!

"We still dance together and have found a fun dance class in Bishopthorpe that we go to every week."

Laura and Jake at their Civil Partnership ceremony, October 2022.

Laura and Jake at their Civil Partnership ceremony, October 2022.

"He built a new computer for me - what's not attractive about that?"

Jake used his computer skills to win over his now-wife Laura.

Two people hold hands, with their little fingers hooked together.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash.

Martin and Lucy.

Martin and Lucy.

Lucy & Martin

"A chemist and a philosopher walk into the bar might be the start of a bad joke, but that has been our life for the last (almost) four years.

"Martin and I met in the way a lot of university students do... in a nightclub on an infamous York night out. With nothing in common, apart from a love for all that York had to offer, we began our journey through life together. We walked the walls, visited every English heritage site within a 50 mile radius, wandered along the coastline and debated every topic under the sun.

"We fell in love with each other's company, within the most beautiful settings imaginable. Then in September 2021, Martin sadly had a really bad rock climbing accident and found himself in hospital with a broken back and an ankle that was affectionately referred to by the doctors as 'bone dust'. Whilst it certainly isn't an experience either of us want to remember, Martin credits it for aligning what is really important in life - the unwavering love and support of friends and family.

"A fall that could have been life-changing and career-ending, has, thankfully (after a lot of physio and a long recovery), had very few impairments on our lives.

"One PhD and one MA later, and our time at York was sadly over. It was our first home together and will forever have a place in our story. I shall always be thankful for the love and happiness I found in York."

Laura & Daniel

"Daniel and I met on 10th October 2004 - our first day at the University of York. We lived in the same flat in Alcuin G Block, and quickly became inseparable. We have now been together for 18 years.

"Daniel proposed to me in the courtyard of Alcuin College on 10th October 2010, and we were married at Castle Howard on 10th October 2014, which is exactly 10 years after we first met.

"The tables at our wedding were named after colleges at the University of York. We still live in York, and have a beautiful little girl who loves to look at the ducks when we stroll across campus."

Laura and Daniel have been together 18 years and now have a daughter together.

Laura and Daniel have been together 18 years and now have a daughter together.

"The tables at our wedding were named after colleges at the University of York."

Laura describes her wedding to Daniel, who she met while studying at York.

Central Hall seen from slightly below, surrounded by graduates in caps and gowns.

Central Hall

Central Hall

Samantha & Phil

"My friend and I were invited to the Rose & Crown one evening, where we were introduced to a third year economic student called Phil. We both commented that new boy Phil was handsome, but 'a bit of a misery'

"A couple of weeks later, we were reunited with Phil, who seemed to have had a personality transformation after being freed from exam revision hell! He was a chatty, flirty, charming Sunderland lad who, over a series of nights out, grew more entertaining and confident.

"We spent more and more time together, until the pinnacle of our romance was reached when we shared our first kiss on the dancefloor of Willow, surrounded by bowls of stale prawn crackers, £1 shots and the melody of Rhianna reverberating across the room.

"Phil was graduating in the summer, so we spent the last few weeks getting to know each other and carrying on with our 'whirlwind romance'. 12 years on, he is now my fiancé, and we're currently planning our wedding for next year!

"Our friends from York Uni are still an enormous part of our lives and York will always have a special place in our heart."

Samantha and Phil at Phil's graduation.

Samantha and Phil at Phil's graduation.

"The pinnacle of our romance was when we shared our first kiss on the dancefloor of Willow, surrounded by bowls of stale prawn crackers."

Samantha recalls how she and fiancé Phil began their romance

Heslington Hall on a sunny day, under a clear blue sky.

Heslington Hall.

Heslington Hall.

Ant and Sophie welcomed baby daughter Robin in 2022. It's all thanks to the Glasshouse!

Ant and Sophie welcomed baby daughter Robin in 2022. It's all thanks to the Glasshouse!

Sophie & Ant

"I met Ant when I was in my final year of my BA, and he in his MA year.

"I worked for YUSU bars, and was mainly based in the Glasshouse. Ant lived on campus, so he would come into the Glasshouse for breakfast. There was a piano in the room, and he would often be playing it as I arrived. It was such a nice start to my shift, and I was both impressed by his playing and his confidence to do so in front of me!

"We slowly got to know each other over a term, and eventually started to spend time with each other outside of work. The rest is history!

"We moved in together in the second year of my MA. We decided to get married, and announced our engagement in 2019. We had a pandemic wedding in 2021, getting married at Fountains Abbey with the maximum 30 guests. In July 2022, we welcomed our little girl, Robin.

"We studied different subjects, have different interests and were in different academic years. We would never have met if not at university, had I not taken shifts at the Glasshouse, or had he not lived on campus. This lovely life that we now share together would look very different!"

Jen & Seb

"I met my now-husband in spring term of first year, whilst working at the same bar. He had graduated the year before but remained living in York.

"We quickly fell in love. Before we knew it, I had (accidentally but wonderfully) fallen pregnant, and our little girl was born the last day of second term in second year.

"We got married the following July. I continued with my degree whilst she was a little baby and didn't take any time off, and regularly had her on campus with me. My husband was incredibly supportive and both he and my little bean were there every step of the way!

"Our family has now expanded and we have two little girls and an adorable cat and dog."

Jen and Seb with their first daughter at Jen's graduation ceremony.

Jen and Seb with their first daughter at Jen's graduation ceremony.

Charlie and Tom pose for a selfie in front of a wood panelled wall. On Charlie's hand is a sparkling engagement ring.

Charlie and Tom.

Charlie and Tom.

Charlie & Tom

"We both studied chemistry and met while doing practical work in the teaching labs. We were friends for the first couple of years of our course before getting together in our third year.

"After a stint for me in Liverpool and together in Birmingham, York has become home for us and we are still here over 10 years later.

"Excitingly, Tom proposed on a weekend away last April and we are getting married in July this year. We have added mini sausage dog Milo to our family and look forward to an exciting future.

"None of this would have been possible without York!"

Rob & Rosie

"Rosie lived in a house opposite mine at Halifax. I was absolutely taken by her from the moment I first saw her and I joked with my housemates about marrying her.

"We would see each other occasionally because our friends were dating and I'd always try to get time chatting with her. Eventually, we went on our first date at a vegan restaurant in York. We laughed about how we were refused Coca Cola because it wasn't ethical enough.

"Our second date was meant to be an ironic visit to the Quilt Museum which we found hilarious at the time.

"Nine years later, we have pretty much spent every day with each other since then. We came back to York in October 2020 just after the first lockdown and I proposed to her in a coffee shop we used to visit.

"We got married in August 2022 with some family and friends, including our uni housemates."

Rob and Rosie.

Rob and Rosie.

"I was absolutely taken by her from the moment I first saw her."

Rob describes meeting Rosie, who would later go on to become his wife.

A small courtyard surrounded by red-brick houses.

Halifax College.

Halifax College.

Sam & Sarah

"We met at YSTV, and got to know each other through various crazy outside broadcasts and late night editing sessions.

"I'd been there for a few years by that point and supposedly knew what I was doing, but Sarah was an actual TV professional in the US before she came to do her Master's at York, which had me a little bit scared (or maybe it was the fact I liked her - who knows?!).

"After I completely failed to do anything about this for several months, she took things into her own hands one night on the way home and asked me out. After making a bit of a fool of myself, we arranged to go to dinner at a little cafe in the shadow of the Minster, which we finally left a good half hour after closing, when we stopped chatting and realised all the tables and chairs were cleared away. We've been together ever since!

"Work took us first to opposite sides of London, then to moving in together in Manchester, and since then we've bought a house and got married in September 2018.

"We welcomed our son to the world in April 2022. He's even got a YSTV T-shirt - gotta start them young!"

Sam and Sarah welcomed a son last year.

Sam and Sarah welcomed a son last year.

Mischa and Rosanna.

Mischa and Rosanna.

Rosanna & Mischa

"We met on the first day of university, when someone magically gave us rooms next to each other in Lindley D, along with other housemates we're still in touch with today.

"I liked him from the beginning, but it took us a while to get together as I had a boyfriend already. After that relationship ended, I found out he liked me too, and after a couple of false starts, we ended up getting together at the end of second year.

"It's now been 14 years and we've made a lovely home and life together in Sheffield with two children, aged 2.5 years and 8 weeks! Five years ago we travelled around the world without flying, and this definitely tested our relationship! But made it stronger."

Suzy & Connor

"We were both in Langwith College and met through a mutual friend. Over that month, we went to a lot of the same nights out, until we were holding hands in the back of the taxi.

"We were drunk (love or alcohol? We'll let you decide) when I finally asked "Am I your girlfriend?"From the moment he said "Yes" we have spent almost every day together.

"When he was working the kitchens in the Glasshouse, I would be studying near the bar. It was easy to spend time with him as we are both massive nerds with similar interests. For our first Valentine's Day, he bought me a Rubik's cube. Many thought us weird, but it just gave us another hobby to learn together and challenge each other.

"Shortly after, we found out we share a birthday, so it was like we were fated to share our life together. And what better place to start our lives together than York?

"Since moving in when we relocated for our jobs, we still do everything together. Some things changed: we swapped Rubik's cube competitions for puzzling our way through fitting kitchens and renovating houses, but regardless of what we're doing, I'm happy that he's by my side.

"He's my best friend, my partner, my soulmate; I can't imagine life without him.

"I'll be forever grateful that we met at York and shared so many happy memories together.

"Langwith 'til we die."

"Soulmates": Suzy and Connor outside Heslington Hall.

"Soulmates": Suzy and Connor outside Heslington Hall.

Suzy and Connor post for a selfie as they walk across a field at sunset.

Suzy & Connor on a countryside walk.

Suzy & Connor on a countryside walk.

Can't get enough of the love? We've got plenty more stories to share! Visit Alumni Voices to hear more love stories and find out more about York's incredible alumni.

Be sure to follow the York Global Alumni Association on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all the latest updates.